MRI-TECH Sp. z o.o.
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Publikacje z prac naukowych wykonanych na systemie „Cirrus Open 0.2 T”

  • Suchanek M, Kordulska M, Olejniczak Z, Figiel H, Turek K,
      Application of low-field MRI for quality assessment of ‘Conference’ pears stored
      under controlled atmosphere conditions,
    Postharvest Biol Technol, 124: 100-106, 2017.
  • Blasiak B, Volotovskyy V, Tyson R, Sharp J, Tomanek B,
      An RF breast coil for 0.2T MRI,
    Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, 46(1): 3-7, 2016.
  • Tomanek B, Volotovskyy V, Tyson R, Yin D, Sharp J, Blasiak B,
      A quadrature volume RF coil for vertical B0 field open MRI systems.
    Concepts in Mag Reson Imag Eng 46B (3): 118-122, 2016.
  • Kłodowski K, Kamiński J, Nowicka K, Tarasiuk J, Wroński S,
    ¦więtek M, Błażewicz M, Figiel H, Turek K, Szponder T,
      Micro-imaging of implanted scaffolds using combined MRI and micro-CT,
    Comput Med Imaging Graph, 2014 Sep, 38(6): 458-68.
  • Blasiak B, Foniok T, Deng C, Tomanek B,
      A comparison of MR imaging of a mouse model of glioma at 0.2T and 9.4T.
    J Neurosc Meth, 240: 118-123, 2012.
  • King AJ, Deng Q, Tyson R, Sharp JC, Matwiy J, et al.
      (2012) In Vivo Open-Bore MRI Reveals Region- and Sub-Arc-Specific Lengthening
      of the Unloaded Human Posterior Cruciate Ligament.
    PLoS ONE  7(11): e48714. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048714.

Publikacje z innych badań

  • Turek K, Liszkowski P, Sarty GE,
      A Permanent Halbach Magnet for Wrist MRI at the International Space Station,
    International Astronautical Federation, 66th International Astronautical Congress,
    Jerusalem, Israel
    , October 12 - October 16, 2015.
  • Sarty GE, Scott A, Turek K, Liszkowski P, Sharp J, Tomanek B,
      A Wrist MRI for the International Space Station,
    International Astronautical Federation, 65rd International Astronautical Congress,
    Toronto, Canada
    , 7 pages, September 29 - October 3, 2014.
  • Turek K, Liszkowski P,
      Magnetic field homogeneity perturbations in finite Halbach dipole magnets,
    J. Magn. Reson., 238: 52-62, 2014.
  • Sarty GE, Sharp J, Tomanek B, Turek K, Obenaus A, Scott A, Piche L, Kontulainen S,
    Chilibeck P, Farthing J, Baxter-Jones A, Pierson R,
      A Magnetic Resonance Imager for the International Space Station,
    International Astronautical Federation, 63rd International Astronautical Congress,
    Naples, Italy
    , 7 pages, October 1-5, 2012.
  • Sarty GE, Kontulainen S, Baxter-Jones A, Pierson RA, Turek K, Obenaus A,
    Tomanek B, Sharp J, Scott A, Piche L,
      Compact MRI for Astronaut Physiological Research and Medical Diagnosis,
    AIAA Space 2012, Pasadena, California, 12 pages, September 11-13, 2012.